Angaben zum Kursanbieter

Raised in Devon, England, I studied first Agriculture and subsequently moved to London to study Fine Art. After participating in the wrapping of the Reichstag In Berlin in 1995, I moved here the following Spring. I carried on drawing and exhibiting drawings & prints and worked as an free-lance English teacher. Two years ago I switched almost completely from teaching English to making and teaching art from my beautiful studio in Rhinower Str, Prenzlauerberg, ( one of the shortest and prettiest streets in Berlin). I believe passionately in the importance of clearing a space in our lives to be creative art and have often seen the direct positive benefits that resultfor myself and for my fellow artists ! I just love having a mixed group of people around my table and watching them trying out different materials and slowly gaining confidence. I believe drawing is an incredibly useful tool that we can use to centre us, but that also that beckons us on to new things, as John Berger said „ drawing is not only important for what it encourages us to see, but for what it leads us on to see“
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Rhinower Str 10, 10437 Berlin
Tel: 00491721803629
Ansprechpartner: Alexine Good
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Alexine Good

Frau Alexine Good

Studied Agricultural Science in South-West  England und den Bildende Kunst in London. Worked on wrapped Reichstag 1995. Moved to Berlin the following year. Worked as freelance artist exhibiting regularly both locally and internationally, with residencies in Greece, Italy & Germany. Drawing and printmaking have always been central to my work. Drawing connects me to my environment. When I draw, everything has an order and a logic to it. I am forced to look harder, and am often in awe at the intricacies in the details of familiar objects. It’s as if I see them in another dimension; it’s almost mind-bending and hugely enriching!

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